luni, august 10, 2009

elegy aka daying animal via philip roth

"when you make love to a woman you get revenge for the things that defeated you in life"

and so on.

i love philip roth. maybe because he makes me piuk so much sometimes that i get to suddenly feel brand new, untouched by his squalid moments. i don't quite get it:) but i do love him!
penelope cruz rules, in spite of almodovar's fetishism for her. she is perrrfect beyond all that!

i read the book a few years ago but i forgot all about it. and for the better! now i can really enjoy the movie like i always prefer to, from scratch:)

anyway the best thing that happened to me recently, and i mean to my brain, is the passion for stephen king, induced by the author himself with the audiobook: on writing. but that's another story. now i can't wait to go back to this rather stupidish movie. and by the way: i really don't manage to like this ben kingsley. although he does nice work in every of his movies. (anne frank diary is a good exemple) but enough, as i've already said it:D

4 comentarii:

andreea spunea...

cred ca este primul film pe care il vad pentru ca am citit despre el pe un blog, dar si pentru ca imi plac personajele lui philip roth. multumesc frumos! :)

pritimaniac spunea...

filmul mi se pare slabut spre minuscul si nu din acel reflex pe care il avem cu totii de cauta sa vedem cat de proasta este ecranizarea unei carti frumoase.
human stain (Hopkins & Kidman) e, spre exemplu, o reusita care concureaza volumul.
cam asta.

pukatuka spunea...

@andreea, ma bucur:) cred ca filmele care ma fac sa scriu despre ele sunt cele mai bune din lume, chiar daca uneori ele sunt, de fapt, chiar prost facute:)
@pritimaniac, the best nickname ever;)
a, si - mie imi e frica sa o vad pe kidman in rolul ala. dar te cred!

OP spunea...

buna, filmul mi-a placut, desi nu prea mult, dar a fost intersant, Philip Roth l-am cunoscut, si eu cred ca este un om de talent universal, acuma cativa ani au facut o lista the 50 most influential american novels in the past 50 years, or something to that extent, Philip roth had the most books on that list, he indeed deserves his place